Paris, 20 September 2004
This is my first post. I am using this weblog to learn how to make a blog. When I get better, maybe I will go public. "If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise." Meanwhile I will amuse myself by writing whatever comes to mind. When I can't think of anything myself, I have the vast resources of the past to draw upon.
Frères humains, qui après nous vivez,
N'ayez pas les coeurs contre nous endurcis,
Car, si pitié de nous pauvres avez,
Dieu en aura plus tôt de vous merci.
—Francois Villon
Human brothers who live after us, do not have hard hearts against us, for if you have pity on poor us, God will the sooner have pity on you.
I don't know yet how to make the accents come out correctly, but I don't have time to learn how today.
J'imaginais, comme tout le monde, que le cerveau des autres etait un receptacle inerte et docile....
—Du cote de chez Swann, Marcel Proust
I imagined, like everyone, that the brain of another was an inert and docile receptacle....
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