Today is the first day of school all across France. It's a frantic day for parents. Most schools give out a two-page single-spaced list of fournitures scolaires that have to be bought immediately. Right after school, everyone rushes to the few stores that will have everything on the list. A few schools have figured out that since everyone needs exactly the same things, the school could just order them wholesale before the summer and charge the parents. But this sensible approach has yet to make into the public.
Another feature of French education is the cartable, those heavy backpacks you see on the children at left. There are no lockers in French schools; kids must carry all their books and supplies around with them at all times. Every year the media inveigh against the weight of the cartable, which is often staggeringly heavy: for a sixth-grader, normally about thirty pounds-- three times heavier than doctors say is healthy for that age.
"The trouble is, the teachers don't want paperback textbooks. We French like de beaux livres," said the orthopedist.
Hi !
/*/A few schools have figured out that since everyone needs exactly the same things, the school could just order them wholesale before the summer and charge the parents. But this sensible approach has yet to make into the public./*/
mmm … There is also enormous pressure from the small shopkeepers (papeteries and librairies, e.g.). Without this business at the rentrée, a lot of them will just close up shop. With all the competition from la grande distribution, they're already in bad shape.
There is also a huge backlash in the provinces, by the small shopkeepers, against the "free" school textbooks being paid for and handed out by the Regional Councils (20 of the 22 in France are Socialist …). The city centers are in trouble and policies like this do nothing to help them.
One has only to note that La Ségo refused the invitation to the MEDEF Summer University to see à quelle sauce nous serons mangés if La Madone des Sondages makes it in as President. Le Mépris is not just another film with Brigitte Bardot. (grin)
Posted by: L'Amerloque | 04 September 2006 at 18:37
When I taught in LA we had the same problems with the backpacks. Every so often, I would pick one up and oi vey, it was a ton. Then there were the kids who opted out of the whole thing and had empty bags. That was one way to rebel.
Posted by: Colleen | 05 September 2006 at 15:16
At this time of year I always recall our first year in France. K received the list of items she needed for CM1 from her new school. I had no idea what any of that stuff was, but I had spotted a librairie in the neighborhood, so off we went to give it a try.
Luckily, we were the only customers and the vendeuse took our list, handed me a panier, and smiling headed down the aisles. She conferred with K on all matters of color, size or style, otherwise she just named the items and dropped then into the basket. It was awesome....truly. She made that potential nightmare a pleasant dream...and a wonderful memory.
I still drop by there when I have to go to Nice. My French remains abominable, but I try...and she always has a smile.
Meilleurs vœux!
Posted by: Anne | 07 September 2006 at 08:06