"You can't send chocolate to the United States," said a young man of La Poste to a glamorous-looking older woman.
"But it's Easter candy for my grandchildren!" said the woman.
"Anything alimentaire is forbidden over there. The customs may seize it."
"What!" I said. "I send stuff all the time. I never heard of that before!"
"They have become crazier and crazier," said the man from La Poste. "Everything is terrorism."
"It's worse when you go there," said the woman. "My daughter lives in California and they're détestable. They treat you like a terrorist. So suspicious if you're French! They look you up and down as if you're an insect. It's horrible."
"But people love the French over there!" I said. "Are you talking about l'Immigration?"
"Well, yes, of course," said the woman. "Ordinary Americans are so friendly. But the Immigration officers hate us French! I don't like to go there any more."
Alala, j'adore ton blog, ça m'aide à apprendre l'anglais ! :P Et le fait de voir le point d'un étranger sur la France est vraiment hyper intéressant. Je suis carrément d'accord avec cette dame, j'ai du faire escale à Miami quand je suis allé en Colombie et j'ai trouvé aussi que les américains en faisaient des tonnes avec leur terrorisme etc... Bon ici aussi, quand on voit le nombre de places de parking qui ont été supprimées dans Paris.
Posted by: Diana | 26 April 2011 at 23:29