This is the second-longest line I've ever been in, as an American citizen coming back to the U.S. Waited almost an hour at immigration. Thank goodness they weren't enforcing that rule about no cell phones. But seriously-- why don't they have a priority lane for old or invalid people, pregnant women, and people traveling with small children? After a long, long flight, most of the tots were cranky and jumpy, and nowadays the parents often have to check the stroller-- meaning they go through immigration without it, juggling children and luggage and handbags when they're already exhausted. It's not right. It's even worse for foreign visitors, who almost always have longer lines than the Americans do. Think what an impression this gives if this is how you enter the U.S.A.
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Wow - I am happy we came at the end of June. We waited exactly 2 minutes in the line at JFK.
Posted by: Pat | 13 July 2012 at 14:59
You could always sign up for the Global Entry program. It costs $100 but is valid for 5 years and it virtually eliminates the waits in customs lines. I just signed up for it last week.
Posted by: k_sam | 13 July 2012 at 18:09