A mother blackbird, obviously desperate for a place to build a nest, has stowed hers away in the planter on my kitchen balcony. La pauvre! I discovered it after she had already laid the pretty pale blue-green eggs; then I remembered the persistent blackbird that I had had to keep chasing away from one planter after another a few weeks earlier. It shows how much I've been away recently. A couple of years ago we had a pigeon's nest on the front balcony planter. The single baby was big and hideous, and it died when its parents never came back to feed it.
Last week I watched the blackbird babies hatching-- all but one egg which must be addled-- and the next day you could see their little mouths, opening wide to almost the full width of their heads, straight up in the air as if to the sun god.
It means I can't open the kitchen window on hot days, for fear of frightening the mother away. I hope it stays cool in Paris for a while now.
They're already a lot cuter. The first photo shows them the day they hatched, and the second one this morning. It's hard to see, but there are three of them.
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